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How to organise your back pack

Saturday, November 27, 2010

By Chai Chew Yeh
Photo by Chai Chew Yeh

Backpack is the the must things and accomapany travellers on their journey. It migh be hard for a petite girl to carry the heavy backpack and the same things happen to a man. However, here is tips you should learned how to organised you backpack so that you got easily carry it.

Firstly, Pack larger, heavier, an unused objects first. Pack your clothes and things you do not use until you stop during the journey in the bottom. The heavy things such as the shoes and sleeping bag should be put in the bottom of the bag. you should make sure that the weight of your bag are balance from left and right

In short, your bag should be diveded into 3 parts which are top, middle and bottom part. In the middle part you can put some can food, and certain traveling tools. Some important things such as compass, map, emergency box should put at the top or places that you could easily find them.

The climbing stick should put outside your bag (some of the bag had a design place for it). Your water bottle should hang at somewhere you can take it easily.
The things that you often use such as umbrealla, tent and electronic torch should put at the top.  It is easy for you to take it when you need it anywhere.

Besides, choosing a back which is comfortable and suitable for you is important. You should be able to wear your pack and walk around for at least 2 hours without getting mad. While travelling, you can save money if you willing to walk from bus and train stations that is usually located not far from town area.  You need to carry your back wear while working for a long distance or stading at a place for long time whether it is under hot sun or rain. A good and perfect packing will make you feel secure, and weight balance, so that you can move like a normal. 
Do not choose a backpack that taller than you. While organising your things nicely, you should also choose and brings the things that you really need. Don't brings everything likes you are moving to a new house. 
Keeping your backpack's weight and practicing correct packing habits is inportant for travellers. An heavy back will burden your journey and decrease your eager to travel. Contradict, if you pack your bag in a correct way, it will help you to improve your journey.


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